Leadership Resources
- Pastor/Staff -- Parish Relations Committee: Description of Responsibilities
- Effective and Ineffective Staff-Parish Relations Committees
- The Emotionally Healthy Church
- Self Awareness in Leadership
- 50 Ways to Welcome Your New Pastor
- Welcoming a Woman Pastor
- I am a (Woman) Leader
- Cross Cultural/Cross Racial Appointment
- Suggestions for Churches with a Young Pastor
- Guidelines for Conflict Resolution
- Contact Information for District Superintendents and Bishop’s Office
Clergy and Staff Evaluation Resources
- Theological Foundations for Evaluations
- Types of Evaluation
- Clergy Effectiveness: Marks of Fruitfulness
Sexual Ethics and Sexual Misconduct Resources
Policies and Procedures
- What to Include in a Policy Manual for Congregational Staff
- NTC Employee Handbook
- Guidelines for Creating Local Church/Sexual Ethics Policies and Procedures
- Social and Electronic Media Guidelines
Administrative Resources
- The Center for Connectional Resources provides administrative guidance regarding health insurance, pension, wellness, finances and worker’s compensation among other resources.