The United Methodist Church’s #BeUMC campaign reminds us of who we are at our best — the spirit-filled, resilient, connected, missional, faithful, diverse, deeply rooted, committed, disciple-making, Jesus-seeking, generous, justice-seeking, world-changing people of God called The United Methodist Church.
In the North Texas Conference, we remain committed to making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world, in the tradition of John Wesley.
Why I Choose to #BeUMC
I was raised in a local United Methodist Church, studied and trained at a United Methodist seminary, met and married an even more convicted United Methodist woman, and have had the privilege of serving in ministry alongside loyal and dedicated United Methodists in five other North Texas Conference United Methodist churches — none of them greater or having more diversity of thought, love and devoted ministry than First United Methodist Church Plano. Just as we have individually and in our families, our United Methodist Church has its flaws and foibles and we own those. But we also own the promise of God’s grace to redeem those flaws and foibles through the Spirit of love … together. We always will be stronger together than apart, as Paul stated in his great promise about the essential nature of the Body and its many parts. — Rev. Matt Gaston, FUMC Plano
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Christ United has been part of The United Methodist Church for 49 years. In those 49 years, we have grown into a 5,000-member congregation united in a common mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We are a diverse bunch, with disagreements large and small about issues large and small, and we are better for our diversity. Since the founding of our movement, Methodists have always been people who can agree to disagree, provided that we’re united by our faith in Christ, united in our desire to grow in love for God and neighbor, and clear about our mission of welcoming newcomers to the family. — Rev. Chris Dowd, Christ UMC
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Tools and Resources

United Methodist Communications has produced “We are the church. Together.,” a presentation deck intended to help facilitate conversations around the value in being part of the United Methodist connection. Built in Google Slides, the deck is fully customizable to meet congregational needs.
As you engage in discussions about what it means to be a United Methodist, consider using the #BeUMC Discussion Guide from United Methodist Communications in small groups or Sunday School settings. Organized around the four key themes of the #BeUMC campaign, the sessions are designed with flexibility in mind.
Discussion Guide