The Black Church Experience
Hear firsthand experiences recounting the anticipation that preceded the 1968 merger of the once segregated West Texas and North Texas Conferences, as well as the reality of how the merger played out and its lasting impact. Ruth Robinson, Rev. Dr. Janet Bell Odom, Rev. Lynda Mayberry, Rev. Dr. Zan Holmes, Jr., and Rev. Dr. Henry Masters lend their voices.
The Latino Church Experience
Hear the powerful witness of Latino clergy and lay members whose faithfulness and energy have built strong, vibrant communities across the North Texas Conference. Rev. Dr. Edgar Bazan, Rev. Martha Valencia and Cynthia Dooley share their stories about obstacles, families, shifting perspectives and being bicultural.
La experiencia de la iglesia latina
Escuche el poderoso testimonio del clero latino y miembros laicos cuya fidelidad y energía han construido comunidades fuertes y vibrantes en toda la Conferencia del Norte de Texas. El Rev. Dr. Edgar Bazán, la Rev. Martha Valencia y Cynthia Dooley comparten sus historias sobre obstáculos, familias, perspectivas cambiantes y ser bicultural.