The Hispanic Pastors Combo
Rev. Kay Eck and Rev. Andy Lewis welcome the attendees
Praise Band from Open, First UMC Denton, sings 'Justice for Peace'
Wesley Korean UMC's Grace Hwang reads the Immigrants Creed by Jose Luis Casal
Adriana Campos shares her Witness
Rev. Eric Folkerth shares his Witness
Rev. Fidel Montalban prays
The Praise Team from the Zimbabwe African Fellowship
Bee Moorhead, Executive Director, Texas Interfaith Center for Public Policy/Texas Impact
Maria Robles, a bilingual organizer with Faith in Texas
Martha Valencia, Amy Spaur and Isabel Marquez
The Ministry with our Immigrant Neighbors breakout
Fernanda Casar, the founder of Caminamos Juntos
Jenifer Williams of JFON
Cindy Andrade Johnson, the South Texas Migrant Border Ministries
Dale Tampke, Courts and Ports and More: Faithful Witness at the Texas-Mexico Border