CMO Advisory Board: The purpose of the Advisory Board of the Center for Missional Outreach (CMO) is to provide feedback and accountability to the CMO staff on the work of the center as well as to advocate for its ministries across the North Texas Conference.


NTC Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns: The form and function of The Commission on Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns (CUIC) abides by the Book of Discipline ¶642. The CUIC seeks to foster ecumenism and interfaith cooperation. This commission leads local churches in North Texas to participate and offer leadership in ecumenical and interreligious work in North Texas.


NTC Ethnic Local Church Concerns: The form and function of The Committee on Ethnic Local Church Concerns abides by the Book of Discipline ¶632. The Committee on Ethnic Local Church Concerns provides resources – including grants – and training for congregational leaders in ministry with ethnic constituencies. This committee also provides a forum for dialogue among ethnic local church leaders and a means for advocating for their concerns.