Journal Toward Racial Justice Workbook
- A Call to Quiet Courage in an Anxious Time by Gil Rendle (reading and discussion questions)
- NTCUMC Racial Justice Glossary
- So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo
- Amaud Arbery Holds us Accountable by Jim Barger, Jr.
- Congregation (Internal) One-on-One Script for Notes
- Community (External) One-on-One Script for Notes
- Racial History Chart of UMC
- Racial History Timeline of United Methodist Women
- North Texas Conference Racial History (Word document)
- Racial History Questionnaire (Word document)
- Sample of Gloo Faith & Race Check-In
Touchstone Experiences
- Cultural Competence Training (coming)
- You Are Here (online course from GCORR). Email Rev. Andrew Fiser for code to access for free
- The People’s Supper Guides for hosting diverse racial healing suppers (virtually or in-person)
Other Recommended Transformational Resources
- The Danger of a Single Story Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (video)
- Cultural Intelligence: Improving Your CQ to Engage a Multicultural World by David Livermore
- Cultural Compass Survey
- Many Colors: Cultural Intelligence for a Changing Church by Soong-Chan Rah
- Engaging Your Community with Cultural Sensitivity by Discipleship Ministries (guidebook)
- Implicit Bias: What We Don’t Think We Think by GCORR (workbook)
More Tools
Resources Coming
Resources Coming
Resources Coming
Have a question or concern, email Rev. Jessica Wright.