The North Texas Conference strives to create tangible outcomes for our neighbors through these mission opportunities:

Hurricane Recovery Mission Trips

Imagine what God could do through the 300 churches of the North Texas Conference if we focus our energy and resources on Hurricane Harvey recovery in the Rio Texas Conference and send 300 mission teams there in 2018 and 2019!

Mission Trips

Opportunities to engage in mission trips, both in the U.S. and abroad, provide impactful ways for volunteers to do good in the world.

North Texas Conference churches work with United Methodist Volunteers In Mission (UMVIM) to plan and organize their mission trips. Churches also collaborate with Habitat for Humanity to send support and volunteers to eliminate poverty housing around the world.

Support a Missionary

The North Texas Conference supports missionaries affiliated with the General Board of Global Ministries, our denominational mission agency located in New York City.

Immigration Ministry


One+One is an initiative of the North Texas Conference to make a difference for public school children through mentoring and tutoring.

Connect N Mission

ConnectNMission newsletter features Global Ministries’ grants, resources, projects, events and more.