Fees per course are $200 for students in the North Texas Conference and $300 for students in other Annual Conferences.

Year 1

Course No. Course Name Dates
121 Bible I: Introduction


122 Theological Heritage I: Introduction TBA
123 Formation and Discipleship


124  Transformative Leadership TBA


Year 2

Course No. Course Name Dates
221 Bible II: Torah & Israel's History TBA
222 Theological Heritage II: Early Church Winter 2024: Dec. 7, Jan. 4, Feb. 1
223 Worship and the Sacraments


224 Administration and Polity TBA


Year 3

Course No. Course Name Dates
321 Bible III: Gospels TBA


322 Theological Heritage III: Medieval-Reformation Spring 2025: March 29, April 26, May 24 
323 Congregational Care Winter 2024: Dec. 20, Jan. 17, Feb. 21
324 Preaching



Year 4

Course No. Course Name Dates
421 Bible IV: Prophets, Psalms & Wisdom Literature TBA
422 Theological Heritage IV: Wesleyan Movement Winter 2024: Dec. 14, Jan. 18, Feb. 15
423 Mission TBA
424 Ethics TBA

Year 5

Course No. Course Name Dates
521 Bible V: Epistles & Revelation


522 Theology in the Contemporary Church TBA
523 Evangelism TBA
524 Theological Reflection: Practice of Ministry TBA

