Local Pastors

The Board of Ordained Ministry gives thanks to God for those who are called to ministry and committed to serve the Church of Jesus Christ as a licensed Local Pastor within the North Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church.

General Guidelines

Licensing school students MUST be Certified Candidates for ministry, and MUST be recommended to attend Licensing School by their respective District Committee on Ordained Ministry. District Superintendents and District Committees on Ordained Ministry shall identify, recommend and submit the names, addresses telephone numbers, and email address of persons to attend the North Texas Conference Licensing School to the Local Pastor Registrar.

Each student is responsible for a $100 registration fee, payable no later than the first day of classes (checks are to be made to the North Texas Conference); the remaining cost for students to attend Licensing School ($900) is provided by the Board of Ordained Ministry.

Upon receipt of the names, each student will receive from Reverend Dr. Marsha Middleton, Director of NTC Licensing School, specific information as to the time and location of the Licensing School classes. Once these classes have been completed, a Certificate of Completion will be granted. Approval to serve as a Local Pastor in the North Texas Conference is contingent upon successful completion of Licensing School. A License for Pastoral Ministry is provided from the Bishop’s Office upon a candidate’s appointment to a local church.

Persons needing to attend a Summer Licensing School may attend the Central Texas Conference (Fort Worth) Licensing School, as space is available. No North Texas Conference funding is available to cover this cost. The candidate’s District Superintendent will need to contact the Central Texas Conference as soon as this need arises.