The next step in the process toward licensed or ordained ministry is to become a Certified Candidate for ministry. The District Superintendent for your District will help you begin this process. If you are not sure which district you belong to, the pastor of your local church will be able to clarify this for you.
Step 5
Bring 5 things to the meeting with your District Superintendent:
- A written Statement of Call to ministry
- A letter of recommendation from the Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) of your local church
- A letter requesting admission to the candidacy program
- Ask permission to attend the next Candidacy Summit
- A check for $55 made payable to your District
The $55 covers the cost of an extensive background check in the following areas: consumer credit, department of motor vehicles, sex offenders and county and national crime.
Step 6
Request to be entered into Passage | UMC. Training can be done through Mariel Vela, the Ministerial Services Administrator.
Attend the next Candidacy Summit. You will receive an invitation to Candidacy Summit upon being entered into Passage | UMC. Candidacy Summits are held the last Saturday of January and August.
Step 7
Receive the name of your mentor (individual or group) from the District Superintendent or Candidacy Registrar. If given an individual mentor, initiate contact with your mentor. Group mentoring will begin during your Candidacy Summit.
Step 8
After you have received approval from the Pastor/Staff Parish Relations Committee of your local church, received Charge Conference approval and met with your district superintendent, then you may contact your District Committee on Ministry for an introductory interview.
East District Metro District North Central District Northwest District
Download Journey to Ordained Ministry and Journeys to Licensed Ministry, summarized guides to the Ministerial Candidacy Process in the North Texas Conference of The United Methodist Church.