Seven North Texas Students Receive Texas Methodist Scholarships
Recipients Bartholomew, Boone, Dobbs, Huffman, Scruggs, Stal and Wilson split more than $40,000 ...
Found 219 results.
Recipients Bartholomew, Boone, Dobbs, Huffman, Scruggs, Stal and Wilson split more than $40,000 ...
Pastors resolve to publicly and swiftly condemn acts of hate violence, with special concern given to those in our geographic jurisdiction ...
The NTC leader appreciates your questions at meetings and encourages you to keep asking them ...
“I like going to Bridgeport because you can meet new friends, do lots of fun activities and learn about God all at the same time.”
Pilot Point UMC uses grant to explore children’s artistic and musical gifts ...
Ongoing partnership with churches in Poland takes on a new dimension amid the violence in Ukraine ...
'United with Ukraine' evening featured DFW-area orchestral musicians and St. Andrew’s Chancel Choir ...
In addition to services in traditional sanctuary settings, a number of congregations offered ashes in parks, on campuses and to go ...
Monthly respite for adults with special needs packs 50 UMCOR Hygiene Kits before spring dance ...
'I have a partner who would never turn down conversation topics like trinity, epistemology and various atonement theories' ...
North Texas Conference commits $25,000 toward providing much-needed meals and shelter in wake of winter storm ...
Combating Racism Task Force making recommendations after examining congregation’s response to racial justice ...
© The North Texas Conference of The United Methodist Church