Make Plans To (Virtually) Attend District Laity Training On Jan. 31
After an address from Kim Brannon, participants can choose from video modules that address their training interest and needs ...
Found 186 results.
After an address from Kim Brannon, participants can choose from video modules that address their training interest and needs ...
Organization anticipates hosting a modified version of its summer day camp in 2021 ...
Longtime accounting executive, who has worked with conference churches, begins new role Jan. 1 ...
Conference sets target of 2,000 pints donated during January to May 2021 drive ...
We must act in ways that show our love for one another. We will wear masks. We will practice social distancing ...
Prayerfully consider donating to the North Texas Disaster Relief Fund to aid in rebuilding efforts ...
Rev. Dr. Geoffrey Moore offers first-person account of St. Stephen UMC’s efforts to replenish Red Cross’ critically low supply ...
People will be trained to fight for justice in upcoming legislative session ...
Rev. Zack Landis, pastor at First UMC Howe, shares experience of the adoption process ...
James, a member of Northaven UMC, becomes organization's fifth executive director ...
The initial group will use a guide that was produced by the coordinating JTRJ team and members of the NTC staff ...
As the weather cools, everyone loves getting outside and this is a great way to socialize while staying 6-feet apart ...
© The North Texas Conference of The United Methodist Church