Together We Dine: Participants Reflect On Experience
Said Jermaine Boyer: "I have participated in more than 10 Together We Dine events, and there is always something different about each one."
Said Jermaine Boyer: "I have participated in more than 10 Together We Dine events, and there is always something different about each one."
10 NTC congregations have formally entered the disaffiliation process and are preparing to begin the discernment phase ...
It is my hope that by addressing this misinformation head-on, we can move forward together from a place of openness and respect ...
Event encourages developing a plan to address situations such as inclement weather, suspicious persons and active shooter ...
Said Rev. Lewis: “This partnership underscores the North Texas Conference’s commitment to dismantling racism and honoring the sacred worth of all people."
Dorothy Gharis, age 102, worships online every week with White Rock UMC ...
"I would encourage every woman to use her gifts and talents to serve the community," said Crystal Hall, president ...
Bishop McKee: 'Prayers and thoughts have become work avoidance for Christians in our country. ... It’s time for us to act ...'
McKee will play a key role in leadership development and serve as a pastoral presence to the school ...
More than 500 participated in Together We Dine, joining in facilitated conversations with people of diverse races, backgrounds ...
© The North Texas Conference of The United Methodist Church