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North Texas Conference Cabinet Holy Week Devotional For Thursday

Writes Rev. Debra Hobs Mason, "To wash another’s feet is to serve them, to care for them, to touch them. It requires closeness, willingness, gentleness and putting the needs of another before your own, if only for a few moments." 

Thursday, April 9, 2020

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North Texas Conference Cabinet Holy Week Devotional For Wednesday

Writes Rev. Dr. Owen Ross, "If I am not vigilant, I can find myself cracking the doorway to my heart and allowing resentment and bitterness to sneak in. If the disciples had done this, they would have allowed Judas to ruin their last supper with their Lord."

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

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Lent 2020: Devotional On Fasting By Shandon Klein

It is not only our physical nourishment or necessities that feed us, but God – our spiritual nourishment – that feeds us right alongside of our God-given provisions ...

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

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Lent 2020: Devotional On Witness By Jessica Vittorio

We have been presented a gift – the chance to focus the efforts of our witness not on what may happen three months down the road, but rather to focus on what is happening today ...

Tuesday, April 7, 2020