Susan Anderson

Dear Laity, and Certified Lay Servants, Speakers, and Lay Ministers,

Susan AndersonI am returning to the first scripture I shared with you as the brand-new Conference Director of Lay Servant Ministries in 2020, during our COVID days.

“Look!  I’m doing a new thing; now it sprouts up; don’t you recognize it?  I’m making a way in the desert, paths in the wilderness.”  (Isaiah 43:10 CEB)

I am excited about the changes coming very soon on the horizon (pun intended)!  Three conferences have been doing their due diligence in preparation for the unification of the Central Texas Conference, our own North Texas Conference and the Northwest Texas Conference. 

The Unification Implementation Team has crafted a comprehensive proposal to be presented at the three Annual Conferences to be held at the end of May and first part of June.  If approved, the next step will be the Jurisdictional Boundaries Committee at the Jurisdictional Conference in July. Jurisdictional Conference will be followed by the Unification Conference in late September.  Let us pray that all continues to go well! 

It has been announced that we will be the Horizon Texas Conference of The United Methodist Church and we will be operational January 1, 2025!  I look forward to learning what God has in store for Lay Servant Ministries in this next new thing He is doing!

I hope to see you June 2-4 at the North Texas Annual Conference! We will have a table in the vendor’s section. Check it out!  We will also have a Lay Servant Luncheon on Monday, June 3, with plenty of room.  Be sure to join us there.

God bless!

Susan Anderson

NTC Director of Lay Servant Ministries