Conference Calls Offer Forum to Discuss New Faces New Spaces Ideas
Have you ever wanted to build a ministry for the homeless community during extreme weather? What about creating a community around a group of individuals who enjoy smoking meat? Or what about setting up a ministry in an apartment complex as a way to build community and develop Bible studies?
A mix of clergy and laity from across the North Texas Conference recently joined Rev. Andy Lewis for the first of three New Faces New Spaces conference calls. Attendees shared their ideas for potential new spaces in their own churches and collaboratively talked through the logistics of how they could be enacted at other churches.
A reminder: new spaces come in all shapes and forms, but every new space …
- Gathers new faces: designed to reach unchurched and dechurched people
- Meets regularly: not a one-time event
- Relates to a UMC entity: a supportive connection to the Body
- Forms disciples: helps people follow in the Way of Jesus
If you weren’t able to join us for this initial call, we’d love to have you on board at 10 a.m. Monday, July 9. To join click here, or cal (929) 436-2866 and enter the meeting ID: 575276370.
Our final call will be 10 a.m. Monday, Aug. 13. To join click here or dial (929) 436-2866 and enter the meeting ID – 891150842
Also, be sure to complete an application for New Spaces grant support from the North Texas Conference and email it to Rev. Andy Lewis.
Published: Wednesday, June 27, 2018