Table Remains Open For First UMC Duncanville's Food Ministry


Church has pivoted to curbside delivery during COVID-19

The Open Table Ministry at First UMC Duncanville has served countless meals every Saturday night for nine years. Its tables have always been open to anyone interested in a good meal and a little fellowship.

COVID-19 has kept the ministry from serving meals in the dining hall, but it hasn’t caused any disruption in distribution. Instead, curbside service and take-out style has become the new normal – with volunteers going car to car to deliver food and groceries.

“Yes, we have seen more people and more families, and we are blessed to serve them all,” said Alisha Vance of First UMC Duncanville. “We look forward to seeing everyone each week, knowing all continue to be well and safe in these most difficult days. It gives those who serve great joy to share Christ's love with these meals, while bringing a smile and a relaxed meal to anyone who wants or needs it.”

Published: Wednesday, September 2, 2020