Summer School Is In Session For UMW
Annual Mission u gathering focuses on discipleship enhancement
The United Methodist Women of the North Texas Conference will host Mission u, its annual three-day conference focused on enhancing discipleship, on July 11-13 at First UMC Plano. Registration deadline is June 30.
Each Mission u has a spiritual growth study, an issue study on current affairs and a geographical study of people in a specific region. Prior to the conference, leaders of each study attend a three-day training on their subject to prepare them to lead.
“Over a period of three days, it's a time to catch up and visit with friends, make new friends, fellowship and enjoy concentrated, spirit-filled worship and educational experience focusing on a variety of topics.” North Texas UMW president Julie Noel said.
Each Annual Conference hosts a Mission u event each year. The national UMW office chooses the topics two years in advance.
“It is uncanny, with that time frame, how timely the studies are each year!” said Rev. Jo Biggerstaff, a retired clergywoman from North Texas.
This year, participants will study from three different books -- Practicing Resurrection: The Gospel of Mark and Radical Discipleship by Janet Wolf, Women United for Change: 150 Years in Mission by Ellen Blue and What About Our Money? A Faith Response by Susan K. Taylor.
“Mission u offers transformative education … enables participants to grow in their Christian faith and to be transformed in their discipleship in ways that empower them to return to their local churches enthused and renewed, willing to share God's Good News in Jesus Christ,” Rev. Biggerstaff said.
Mission u enhances discipleship and encourages mission through spiritual education, training and learning about different cultures in their context.
If you are passionate about discipleship through mission work and want to learn more about people outside of your local church and community, Mission u will provide you with an education to strengthen your relationship with God and God's people.
Published: Wednesday, June 26, 2019