Spring “Ministry With” Grant Applications Due April 1

Grant logoAwards are one-time only and range from $3,000 to $10,000

The Center for Missional Outreach is offering two rounds of "Ministry With" grants to help local churches and United Methodist-related organizations catalyze creative or innovative missional efforts. The due dates for applications are April 1 and October 1. Eligible applicants seek to build relationships with marginalized neighbors. It is our belief that intentional relationships with and among the marginalized are the foundation for a revived church that embodies the justice and compassion witnessed in Jesus Christ.

This funding opportunity generated a great deal of interest, affirming the CMO’s belief that on-the-ground United Methodists are catalysts for creativity, justice and compassion in their communities. 

This year, we especially encourage rural leaders to consider applying. Grant awards are one-time only and range from $3,000 to $10,000. Continuing support requests do not fit the purpose for the grant. Apply online

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis and evaluated according to how they intend to live into the “ministry with” values:

  • Come alongside neighbors in a spirit of friendship and mutuality. Listen to and learn from them.
  • Build long-term relationships with neighbors.
  • Uncover the often-undervalued gifts, talents, dreams, desires and connections of neighbors.
  • Adopt the iron rule: never do for others what they can do for themselves.
  • Address the systems that perpetuate suffering and inequity rather than only deal with the symptoms of our broken world.
  • Use a strengths-based approach that leverages the gifts and relationships of local partners.

In 2020, we encourage applications to be developed for efforts such as these:

  • Rural Community Ministry: Churches may consider developing ministries that build up community or enable the church to connect with marginalized populations among rural residents. For instance, in rural communities divided by race, a grant could help fund a series of meals or experiences for leaders to strengthen relationships that could lead to change. Other eligible ministries include connecting with rural neighbors who do not have adequate access to food, healthcare, recovery resources, employment or community.
  • Transition Existing Ministry to Adopt "Ministry With" Values: An example might be finding ways for recipients of food-pantry items or community meals to be able to use their gifts to help others. This might be by adding a Bible study group that is ½ non-church constituents and ½ church constituents and incorporating leadership from both groups. Or, it might include adding some staff time for someone to focus on connecting and helping others connect in conversation with people who come for an existing service your church offers, so that you can build community with neighbors instead of just offering goods.
  • Building Community on the Margins: Your church might be positioned to help form community with and among groups that often find themselves marginalized. Such groups might include returned military, LGBTQ+ persons or their family, those with mental health issues, those with disabilities, foster families, formerly incarcerated individuals, the elderly, those with substance abuse history, etc.
  • Building Community with Local Public Schools: A church might build relationships with neighbors through creating community-building events or creating ways to deepen understanding within churches or schools about poverty, race, etc.

Please contact Rev. Andrew Fiser ([email protected], 972-526-5018) with the Center for Missional Outreach to learn more, or to submit a draft of your application or talk over an idea.

Resources    Application

Published: Friday, February 14, 2020