Discipleship Ministries Head To Provide A Reset For Your Soul

Soul Reset flier

Rev. Junius B. Dotson to conduct Leaders Summit on Sept. 7

John Wesley's early Methodists would meet in small groups and ask each other “How is it with your soul?” Rev. Junius B. Dotson, General Secretary of Discipleship Ministries, wants to help answer that question and many more during a Leaders Summit based on his book Soul Reset.

During his keynote address to the North Texas Annual Conference in June, Rev. Dotson said, “I write about this because it greatly impacts our ability to do discipleship effectively. I chronicle, with a very real and vulnerable way … my very own personal journey with depression and despair and burnout and shame and grief.”

The half-day Leaders Summit, which is Sept. 7, will help pastoral and lay leaders focus on leader development, intentional discipleship and engaging the community. The event also will cover other topics from the book.

Rev. Dotson said the workshop provides an opportunity to recognize the importance of spiritual practices and discipleship. He added that everyone – whether laity, clergy or professionals – will benefit from the workshop because it can inspire individuals dealing with feelings of loss or grief.

“If you have the responsibility of leading others, there is a weight and this book speaks to that weight,” Rev. Dotson said. “This book gives a healthy way to reset.”

Rev. Michael Bowie, pastor of St. Luke “Community” UMC, is excited about this workshop. He expects close to 50 lay and pastoral staff to attend from his church. After the workshop, the leaders plan to share their learnings in small-group studies.

“Healthy leaders start with a healthy soul,” Rev. Bowie said.

Many congregants are dealing with the uncertainties in The United Methodist Church. Rev. Dotson said he believes his book and workshop may help.

He said, “We are dealing with so much anxiety and uncertainty in the church, the denomination. This gives people a way to deal with that in a non-anxious way.”


Published: Tuesday, August 27, 2019