Casa Linda at Pleasant Mound: A New Church, A New Beginning

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Casa Linda at Pleasant Mound Church provides Spanish-language church to a community that craved it

In July 2017, Rev. David Rangel and Pastor Carlos Ramirez arrived in Southeast Dallas to plant the second campus of Casa Linda UMC. They saw the community was in need of a local church in its own language and did the work necessary to make that a reality.

For the last eight months, they have reached more than 300 people from the Spanish-speaking community through programs such as parent groups, immigration clinics, nutrition classes, family day at the park, music classes and other outdoor evangelistic activities.

A small group also was started, which grew to 38 people. Casa Linda UMC members have voluntarily installed the audio, lightning and media system in the Sanctuary and renovated two of the rooms used for Bible study and children’s classes.

Because of these efforts, Casa Linda at Pleasant Mound Church launched its first worship service in May. It was a day of celebration and a new beginning for the community around Pleasant Mound.

For more information and to donate: or call 214-321-2601.


Casa Linda at PL Church worship

Published: Tuesday, July 24, 2018