Bishop McKee Shares His Message Before General Conference 2019

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The special-called session of the General Conference begins its meeting on Saturday, Feb. 23, in St. Louis. The called session is to focus on The United Methodist Church’s ministry with our LGBTQ brothers and sisters. We live, worship, pray and serve God in a Church that is not of one mind on several issues, including the disagreement among the people called Methodist about ordination of gays and lesbians and the marriage of same-gendered persons. Yet, there is agreement among us about the mission of The United Methodist Church: to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

At the conclusion of the General Conference on Tuesday, Feb. 26, decisions will have been made. Some will agree, and others will disagree. Whatever the conclusion, let us agree to continue to attend to the mission of the Church.

On Wednesday following General Conference, hundreds of pastors and laypersons will visit patients in the hospital needing words of comfort. Hundreds of children will be tutored in public schools by United Methodist laity. Others will hear of the grace offered by Jesus Christ. On Sunday, more will find their faith home, be baptized and join one of the churches in the North Texas Conference. Let’s not forget that the work of Christ that laity and clergy are called to do continues.

How will you live into the Great Commission of Jesus, to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations? That question is always before us, and it is deserving of an answer from each of us.

Bishop signature

Published: Tuesday, February 19, 2019