April 26-29: Learn About Honduras During Virtual Mission Trip

Juan Wesley School

Take part in virtual mission trip As you well know, for over 20 years The United Methodist Church has had a growing, indigenous presence and witness in Honduras. Today, the United Methodist Mission in Honduras consists of 22 congregations, the Juan Wesley School and a host of other ministries that are serving faithfully in a very challenging time.

On April 26-29 in the evenings from 6:30 to 8 p.m., the CMO and North Texas Board of Global Ministries invite you to take part in a virtual mission trip to Honduras. We hope that this virtual mission trip experience will help the people in your church already connected to the Mission deepen that relationship and offer our friends in Honduras some much-needed love and support. In addition, this virtual mission trip will be a great way to introduce new people to the Mission.

Each evening, participants will have the opportunity to share in a devotional led by leaders of the Honduran congregations and experience a cultural moment, which will provide a glimpse of the Honduran culture. Go on this virtual trip one evening or all four! Each session will have a unique focus:

  • Monday – Overview of the country and mission
  • Tuesday – Exploring church-to-church partnerships (including breakouts for NTC churches to connect via Zoom with their Honduras partner church)
  • Wednesday – Planning for UMVIM mission trips in 2022
  • Thursday – Juan Wesley School


If you have any questions, email Rev. Andy Lewis

Published: Thursday, March 18, 2021