Application Deadline For Perkins Fund Assistance Is Sept. 1

In 1942, Joe and Lois Perkins had the foresight to establish a fund that would support retired clergy and surviving spouses of deceased clergy should unexpected financial needs arise. Since that time, the North Texas Conference Board of Pension and Health Benefits has provided oversight for these funds which are managed by Wespath. 

Applicants may submit requests for assistance from the Joe and Lois Perkins Fund to offset unanticipated medical expenses such as hearing aids, dental work, and medications, as well as other unexpected expenses such as car and home repairs, storm damage, or even funeral expenses.

During the 2019-20 cycle, the fund granted nearly $80,000 in assistance dollars to 24 clergy and 14 clergy spouses in the North Texas Conference. On behalf of the BOPHB, Shirley Miller administers the Joe and Lois Perkins Fund and reflected on how grateful people are for the help to make ends meet.

“It has been a joy for me to administer the fund because I get to see firsthand how this really helps people,” Miller said.

The notes of gratitude she receives on behalf of the Board express deep appreciation for this lifeline. One grant recipient said, “The rule of holes is that when you are in one, stop digging. Hallelujah, there is the means to help us stop digging! The gracious forethought by the Perkins family aided by the judicious administration of funds has provided a financial respite for us. To put down the shovel is grace for sure. And its privilege is most appreciated. Thanks be to God.”

The application deadline for the final disbursement in the current cycle is September 1, 2021. If you or someone you know would benefit from a grant from the Joe and Lois Perkins Fund or you would like additional information contact Shirley Miller, Associate Director of Pensions, in the Center for Connectional Resources, [email protected], 972-526-5008.

Request Form


Published: Wednesday, August 11, 2021