‘There’s No Wrong Way To Love God’
Youth from First UMC Denton attended The National United Methodist Youth Conference.
More than 3,000 youth – including many from North Texas – attend Discipleship Ministries event in Kansas City
Every four years since 1988, youth and leaders gather for The National United Methodist Youth Conference hosted by The United Methodist Church’s Discipleship Ministries. This year, the meeting took place in Kansas City with the theme “Love Well.”
Over four days, more than 3,000 youth who attended experience discipleship through worship, Bible study, small groups and service opportunities. The event hopes to inspire, support and challenge youth in their faith.
North Texas churches whose youth attended include Grace UMC Sherman, First UMC Royse City and First UMC Denton.
Pastors took groups for different reasons. Rev. Deana Mason of First UMC Denton took her youth council to help them create deeper relationships. Rev. Frank Drenner of Grace UMC Sherman took his youth in lieu of a summer youth mission trip. Rev. Chris Everson of First UMC Royse City had a personal reason to take his youth.
“I experienced a youth gathering when I was in high school and thought it would be beneficial for our youth to experience,” Rev. Everson said.
One of the fellowship opportunities is called DIG, which stands for Discuss, Intersect and Grow. Each person was assigned a group with people from around the country.
Said Sarah Elliot, a high-school student who attends First UMC Royse City: “One of the things I loved most about the Love Well trip was that in, our DIG groups, they split us up and at first I didn’t like that idea, but I made at least four new friends and it definitely helped with some anxiety I had about meeting new people.”
Meeting youth was one benefit, but Rev. Mason said experiencing worship and learning from the workshops created deeper faith.
What’s more, they learned about how church works and what leadership is.
“The conference showed me so many tips on being an exceptional leader and how to accept that there is no such thing as a perfect leader,” said Kayla Willis, the 2019-20 Youth Council president from First UMC Denton.
Elliot shared one of the most important takeaways: “I also learned from watching different groups and workshops that there’s no wrong way to love God,” she said.
Published: Wednesday, July 24, 2019